Friday, March 1, 2019

Absent Today 3/1/19

Unfortunately I am out sick today. Here are you instructions for today. 

1) Turn in your homework (brainstorming narrative sheet)

2) After, answer the following question in one to two paragraphs:
       Many people have said that photography is simply a way of documenting real life and not an art form. Do you think that photography is a form of art? Explain why or why not.

You may write it or type it, but you must turn in their response when you are done to get a grade for the day.

3) After you hand in the response, make sure that you are caught up on all of their current work- if you are still missing your Mood Portraits or 5 Narratives, post those today.

When done with all of the above, you may do quiet work for the rest of the period.

HW: Start taking photos over the weekend of the narrative that you have chosen from your brainstorming worksheet.

1 comment:

  1. Zeroin academy Photography Courses In Velachery will let you some of the ideas on choosing the subject which will help you out to capture the best picture that you have ever captured. They will also help you on certain other obstacles you are to face during the photography.
