Wednesday, March 13, 2019

Absent Plan for Friday, 3/13

Students should return their HW (Narrative Interpretation/Feedback worksheet).
After returning it, you will watch the second episode of “Top Photographer”

Answer the questions on the worksheet and return the worksheet by the end of class.
Even if you are not done, please give it in.

When you have completed the worksheet and have handed it in, you may do any of
the following…
  1. Work on photos for the class
  2. Do Extra Credit (posted below)
  3. Do work for another class

Extra Credit Options:

1.Art Advertisement: Make an advertisement (flyer, brochure, or poster) to promote an upcoming art show of your favorite
artist (dead or alive). Pretend he/she will have a special museum exhibit. Choose the dates that the exhibit is showing, and
when the reception (party to congratulate the artist) will be. Size will be 8.5 x 11.

2. Photo Research: Write a 2 page paper, double spaced, about any famous photographer.This paper should include a
brief section for citations of where you got your information. Paper should be typed; Times New Roman, 12 pt. font, double spaced.

3. Edit a Photo:
Using any of your photos that you have taken this year, edit it in Photoshop in some way. Try to play around with
tools that you may never have used before. Post the original image and the edited image on your blog to see the Before and After.

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