Monday, October 23, 2017


Simplicity in photography is one of the most basic guidelines. In simplicity, the images remain simple. That is to say most of the time, there is one subject in the image and the background is often simple or plain.

Below are 5 examples of photos that demonstrate the guideline of simplicity. In your given groups, you will answer the following questions on the discussion sheet.

1) What is the subject of the photo?
2) Can you tell where the photo was taken? If so, how do you know?
3) Do you recognize any other guidelines we have mentioned? If so, what are they?

Take your time in observing the images. When you are done, think about what your favorite image is. Why is it your favorite?

1) Edward Weston 

2) Edward Steichen 

3) Mark Laita

4) Jianwei Lang

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