Tuesday, October 10, 2017

Review of the Composition Guidelines

As I am out today, you will go over the guidelines we learned about last week. You are to answer the following questions on your class blog, under the post title "Composition Guidelines". If you do not have access to your blog, please answer the following questions on a piece of paper and hand it in by the end of class.

  1. What is composition?

  1. How many guidelines are there? List and describe them all

  1. The last slide shows two different viewpoints of the same subject- what would you call these two viewpoints?

  1. Of all of the guidelines, are there any that you particularly like or are familiar with? Explain why you may like them.

  1. What about any that you do not like? Explain why.

  1. What guideline(s) have we already used in our last project?

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