Wednesday, February 7, 2018

You Can Photograph Anywhere!

Just because you don't have a professional photography studio doesn't mean you can't take some great shots! 

Check out this article about a photographer who took their photos in a normal store.

And they're not the only ones! Here's another story about a different photographer who ended up going to Lowes for their photoshoot.

Now some questions (answer them and post them on your blog)...

  1) What do you think of this idea of turning these normal spaces into a place in which photography can be made?

  2) Which photographer do you prefer- the one from Hobby Lobby or Lowes? Why? EXPLAIN!!

  3)  How comfortable do you feel taking pictures out in public? Would you attempt something like this for the Narrative project we are currently doing?

  4) In terms of location, where do you think you will shoot the pictures for the Narrative project?

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