Wednesday, May 29, 2019

Artist Statements- What Is It?

Artist Statements with Visual Example

Artist statements are an important part of an any artists work. What do you think an artist statement is? 

Below is an example of a series of work with an artist statement. Reading through the artist statement, what are some things that you notice? How does it relate to the series? What does it tell you? What does it not tell you?

Series Title: Where (I) Am (I) 

Through the process of collage, done both physically and digitally, I am addressing the
idea of place and what that means to myself. Combining imagery from my everyday life, with
completely different imagery from places I have traveled, the scenes created are surreal and
create questions of where I am versus where I want to be. Memory also plays a key role in the
work, specifically in choosing imagery. By disrupting scenes from my everyday life with images
from my direct experiences in other locations, each piece is personalized towards my own
memory and perception of the place, further juxtaposing where reality is and what I want to
experience. By collaging the pieces, the ideas formed in each builds off of one another. In this
way, I learn through the physical process of collage about larger ideas and ways of
demonstrating these ideas through the medium.

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The photographer Jane Yudelman also has various artist statements for a number of her works.
Route 1, #30  Route 1, #16  Route 1, #44  Route 1, #48

Statement“Route 1”

Anyone who knows Maine also knows that one can spend many hours in a car. The Route 1 series initially emerged from this simple fact, but has since evolved into an ongoing body of work in which the act of moving from one place to another, be it by car or foot or other means, is crucial to the creation of the images.
Each image in this series is taken while in motion and is thus shaped by velocity, time, terrain, road surface and the camera’s shutter speed. While moving, I am forced in a split second to reduce passing scenery to its essential visual elements and as I press the shutter, I allow the complex motions of the vehicle or the body to accentuate the basic forms, colours and textures of nature.
How Do I Write an Artist Statement? 
Artist Statement Content
The “How”:
The ‘How’ refers to how you created your works. Many viewers want to know how an artist creates their work- this is you chance to do so. Describe your works and how you went about to create your actual photographs. Did you stage them? Come upon the subject randomly? Did you go out in search of the subject? 
The “What”:
What do you take photos of? What is your imagery?  Describe the content/subject matter of your works.
And last, The “Why”:
Why do you make what you make? What does your life say about your work and your work say about your life? What symbols do you use and why? Explain the influences behind the meanings of your works.
You don’t have to have the same amount of each type of information, but it is a good idea to have part of your statement devoted to each of these categories. However, if one category seems far more relevant to your work than the others, feel free to emphasize it in your statement. 
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Assignment: A rough draft of your artist statement is due by next class on Friday, 6/1! Either hard copies or a digital copy will be accepted. If it is digital, email it to me at

Wednesday, May 22, 2019

Monday, May 20, 2019

Thematic Photos Due & Alternative Assignment for No Photos

Due Today: 8+ photos related to your chosen theme

As instructed, you should have your images sent to yourself and have access to them. Start editing the photos in Photoshop while I come around to check photos.

If you have no photos, an alternative assignment is posted below for partial credit for todays classwork.

Write a brief essay (3-4 paragraphs) about your favorite photographer that you have seen/learned about. this year You are to include the following...
                    - Biographical information
                    - Describe the photos that they take- any constant themes or subjects they focus on
                    - Why do you like them? What about their photos interest you?
    By the end of class, post the Essay on your Photo blog with the title: 5/20 Alternative Assignment

Thursday, May 16, 2019

Series Photographers

Series Photographers

Series: a number of things, events, or people of a similar kind or related nature coming one after another
What kind of series do you know?
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Here is a list of photographers to choose from. You can also search for others besides the ones listed here.

Jack Daly

Richard Silver

Mads Perch

Ming Au in collaboration with Paula Akpan and Harriet Evans

Carrie Mae Weems

Olafur Eliasson

Yumna Al-Arashi

Choose 2 photographers (either on the blog or on your own). There will be a venn diagram to compare/contrast the two photographers. After comparing/contrasting the photographers, answer the following questions on your blog...
  • What photographers did you choose?
  • What were their series called?
  • What were the series about? How do you think it related to the title of their series?
  • What similarities did you see in the two series?
  • What differences did you see in the two series?

Tuesday, May 14, 2019

Continuing Theme

Do Now: Turn & talk with a partner. What is the theme for each photo series?




4) Image result for thematic photography


Group Work

Pair up with a partner and go over the homework with each other. Answer the questions on the theme worksheet (found at the front of the classroom).

**Students out on the trip or taking AP Exams last class will do the work from last class and the homework sheet will be due next class for them

Wednesday, May 8, 2019

Intro to Final Project- Thematic Photos

Thematic Photos

 Theme: A central idea in a piece of writing or other work of art:
Working with themes is a great way to practice your photographic skills. When choosing a theme you can chose:
  1. Similar subject matter (war, poverty, sports, doors etc)
  2. Similar technical composition (all black and white photographs, all same color photographs, etc)
  3. Similar mood or feeling (representation of love, anger, fear etc)
Below is a list of various photographers with a link to their work. Choose three of the following photographers and on your blog answer the following questions...
  1. Who is the photographer that you chose? Why did you choose them?
  2. What theme do you notice in their pictures? Is there more than one theme? What in the image leads you to think that this is the theme being used? 
Taking pictures is like writing an essay. You want it to tell a story, take a stand, give examples, allow for debate and have your work organized in such a way that it’s understandable to the general public. Like a writer, a photographer is a story teller. However, instead of using words you’ll use pictures. 
Your homework is to fill out the theme brainstorming sheet and figure out what theme you are interested in taking pictures of. 

Monday, May 6, 2019

Edit Studio Lighting Photos

Use your time in class to edit your photos today. For students that still do not have any photos done, they are expected to take photos with the class cameras in the light boxes during class to catch up. When you are done with all of the photos/editing, post your final 5 images on your blog.

Remember, photos should ....
    1. Have no distractions in the background
    2. Good quality image/not blurry
    3. Proper light balance

Before the end of class, everyone must do an Exit Ticket (found below). All photos are due next class, 5/8!


Thursday, May 2, 2019

Extra Credit Options

Photography Extra Credit
Ms. Wasserman

You have a choice to submit one of the following for Extra Credit before the end of the Marking Period (May 3). Successful completion will allow for up to 5 points to be added to your lowest assessment grade.

1. Museum/Gallery Visit: Visit an art museum! Pick 1 work you liked the best and snap a photo of it (if allowed) and write a 1 page paper about what you like best. OR Write a 1 page paper about your visit; what you saw, did, liked/disliked, etc. For either option, be sure to turn in your ticket stub or some other proof of you being there. Paper should be typed; Times New Roman, 12 pt. font, double spaced.

2. Art Advertisement: Make an advertisement (flyer, brochure, or poster) to promote an upcoming art show of your favorite artist (dead or alive). Pretend he/she will have a special museum exhibit. Choose the dates that the exhibit is showing, and when the reception (party to congratulate the artist) will be. Size will be 8.5 x 11.

3. Photo Research: Write a 2 page paper, double spaced, about any famous photographer. For ideas on what to research, you can ask me. This paper should include a brief section for citations of where you got your information. Paper should be typed; Times New Roman, 12 pt. font, double spaced.

4.Mirror Image: Re-make a mirror image from one of your own photos. .Post on your blog!