Thursday, April 18, 2019

Videos, Studio Lighting Box & Break Assignment

Today, finish your video post from last time and then choose the other 2 videos that you did not watch. Watch them and answer the following questions about them on your Photo blog

1) Which video did you choose? Why?

2) What did the video teach you? What kind of “hacks” or tricks did they mention?

3) Would you try any of these in your own photography?


1) Take BETTER SHOTS with your iPhone

2) 5 Creative Photography Tricks Using ONLY Phone Light

3) Beginners Guide to iPhone Photography | ft. IamPopcornn

4) 7 Little-Known Tricks For Taking Incredible iPhone Photos That Leave Everyone Speechless

While you are watching the videos, I will take up groups of 3-5 students to have a chance to play around with the studio lighting box. Every student will have a chance to take a photo with it today.
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 

Assignment over Break:
Take 5 pictures over break that utilize studio lighting. Your subject can be anything at all, from objects to people. But they must meet the following guidelines...

1) Background is a solid color. It can be black, white, grey, red, blue...whatever color you want. But the background should be solid. You can use paper or fabric of any kind. 

2) By now you probably have a favorite light type (soft or hard). Your images can be of any of them, but there must be at least 1 soft or hard. 
         For example, I can have 4 hard light photos, but I need 1 soft light photo. 
                               I can have 4 soft light photos, but I need 1 hard light photo.
                               I can have 3 hard light photos, but I need 2 soft light photos

3) They images should be qood quality! That means not blurry or out of focus! 

Due Date: Tuesday, 4/30!!

Tuesday, April 16, 2019

Quiz & iPhone Tricks

After taking the quiz, you should choose 2 of the videos below. Watch them and answer the following questions about them on your Photo blog

1) Which video did you choose? Why?

2) What did the video teach you? What kind of “hacks” or tricks did they mention?

3) Would you try any of these in your own photography?


1) Take BETTER SHOTS with your iPhone

2) 5 Creative Photography Tricks Using ONLY Phone Light

3) Beginners Guide to iPhone Photography | ft. IamPopcornn

4) 7 Little-Known Tricks For Taking Incredible iPhone Photos That Leave Everyone Speechless

While you are watching the videos, I will take up groups of 3-5 students to have a chance to play around with the studio lighting box. Every student will have a chance to take a photo with it today.

Wednesday, April 10, 2019

Understanding Studio Lighting

On your blog, find the definition/explanation of the following techniques. Include 2 visual examples that demonstrate that lighting/technique as well.

1) Front lighting

2) Side lighting

3) Back lighting

4) Soft light

5) Hard light

6) Flat light

7) Are there any lighting situations that are similar to each other? If so, how?

Monday, April 1, 2019

Absent Day 4/4- Top Photographer ep 3

Watch the third of episode of Top Photographer HERE and answer the following questions on your photo blog. Post the answers by the end of the period.

  1. What is the challenge? What specific requirements do the photographers need to fulfill?

  1. Write down your observations of what each photographer does during the challenge. These may be positive (things the photographer does well) or negative (things the photographer did poorly).

    1. Roxy Rodriguez



    1. Scott Borrero


    1. Jamiya Wilson



  1. Write down what you think of each photographer’s final image. Do you agree with what the judges say or disagree? Why/why not?

    1. Roxy Rodriguez

    1. Scott Borrero

    1. Jamiya Wilson

  1. If you were a judge, which image would you have selected as the winner? Why?

  1. If you were a judge, which photographer would you have eliminated? Why?