Wednesday, January 30, 2019

Mood Portraits- Putting Them Together in Photoshop

By this time, you should have NINE pictures posted on your blog, labeled with what mood each one depicts. 

Now, we will be putting them all together in a Photoshop document. 

1) After opening Photoshop, create a new file. Name the file Your Name Mood Portraits (ex: Lindsay Wasserman Mood Portraits)
     Make sure the file is 8.5 x 11 inches, with a resolution anywhere from 250-300 pixels/inches.

2) Once your new file is open, go to your Blogger and press "View Blog"You can simply right click to copy the picture and paste into the Photoshop document by clicking Ctrl - V. Each time you paste it in, it will come in as a new layer. Be sure to name the layer the emotion that the picture represents.  

4) As you continue to put your nine images in, you may need to move them around to better fit. Use the move tool to do so. If you need to re-size the photo (it's too big or too small), use Ctrl- T to enable Transform. 

Remember, to prevent distortion, hold down the Shift key while changing the size! 

If you are having a difficult time arranging the images, you may ask me for a template to put the images on. But try first to arrange them yourself!

5) After the pictures have been arranged, now we can turn the images black and white. Go into the Adjustments box and find the black and white setting.

     Click on that and ta dah! You're pictures are now black and white! 

6) After you press save, you will also save it as a .jpeg file. To do so, go to "Save As". You can keep the name the same, but you must change the Format from "Photoshop (.PSD; .PDD)" to "JPEG (.JPG; JPEG; JPE)".

A box will pop up about JPEG Options. Make sure the that under Image Options, the Quality is either High or Maximum. Press Okay

7) Post the .jpeg image to you class blog, titling it Mood Portraits B&W

Thursday, January 17, 2019

Review Mood Portrait Assignment and Catch Up on Work

Mood Portrait Assignment
-Create a series 9 different mood portraits.
-The photos all must be the monochromatic (black and white) and thoughtfully placed
- You can use either the same person for all 9 photos OR use 9 different people
-Try to shoot against a solid/plain backdrop and have even lighting on their face.


Photos are due on Wednesday, January 30!!

In class today, do the following...
1) Make up any missing work (some Exit Tickets still have to be graded by me)

2) Extra Credit

3) Watch the following video


When done watching the video, please answer the Exit Ticket HERE

Tuesday, January 15, 2019

Mood Portraits

Mood: state of mind or feeling
What are some moods or feelings that you can think of?


Create a series 9 different mood portraits. The photos all must be the monochromatic (black and white) and thoughtfully placed. Try to shoot against a solid/plain backdrop and have even lighting on their face. YOU MUST BE THE ONE TO TAKE THE PICTURE!
Here is a link to some famous portrait photographers.

On your blog, please choose 2 or 3 photographers and answer the following...

1) Which photographer did you choose and why?

2) How do the subjects in the photo show emotion?

3) Do you think photographer models them to show a specific mood, or is it natural? Why do you think so?


Thursday, January 3, 2019

3 Portrait Images

Idexa II

Portrait HW Assignment

Assignment: Take 4 portraits of different individuals.

Due: 1/7

Things to Think About…

  1. Make sure the image is high quality (not blurry/out of focus)
  2. Do you want to incorporate costumes?
  3. Will it be posed or candid?
  4. Are you trying to “say” something with the image? Will there be a meaning?