Tuesday, September 18, 2018

Continuing Photo Ethics/Plagiarism

Last class, we read over some important ethical questions related to photography. There was one question though- what if it is just a coincidence? That is a very difficult question to answer and there are so many different ways to answer it. 

Today, after we go over the homework assignment (questions from the reading), you will be asked to read the following article:

Plagiarism or Coincidence? A Curious Case in the Sony World Photo Awards

After reading the article, please answer the following questions on your photo blog.

1) How do you feel about the image? Do you think it was copied or is it just a coincidence?

2) Andriesi made a video to defend himself against the claims of plagiarism but refused to make it public due to fear of further backlash. What do you think of that? Should the video be made public?

3) Of the two images, whose do you prefer- Andriesi's or Zhuravleva's? Why? 

Friday, September 14, 2018

Photo Ethics Article

Please answer the following questions on the provided worksheet. Here is the full article if you need it.

If unable to finish reading and answering the questions, you must do so for HW (due Tuesday, 9/18)!


1)     What are the different ethical questions/practices that the author discusses in the article?

2)      The author mentions the artist Richard Prince as taking people’s own Instagram photos and selling them as his own artwork.  How do you feel about his work?

3)      Some say that copying is the highest form of flattery. In the artist Tyler Shield’s case, he borrows ideas from other artists to create his own work. How do you feel about this? Do you think that borrowing ideas the way he does is unethical or reasonable?

4)      Is there one ethic in particular that you find especially important? Why do you feel that is important? Please be SPECIFIC!

5)      Is there one ethic in particular that you do NOT find especially important? Why do you feel that is not important? Please be SPECIFIC!

Thursday, September 6, 2018

Intro Survey!

Please take the following survey so that I can get to know you better! You must complete and submit it by the end of the class period.