Tuesday, January 30, 2018

Create a Story

Below are five separate images. For each of the image, you will be asked to create a narrative or story about what you see in the image and write it on the Creating Narratives worksheet. Try to be as detailed as possible. You can give the subjects names, background stories, etc. 

If you do not finish the worksheet in class, finish it for homework --- due 2/1!!!

Image 1
Jonas into the light - narrative and conceptual photography - Slider

Image 2

Image 3

Image 4

Image 5

Friday, January 12, 2018

Altered Images Exhibition

Back in 2015, the Bronx Documentary Center lead an exhibition called "Altered Images". The exhibition was made of posed and manipulated documentary photos.

Today you will go through some of the images from the exhibition website and answer the questions from the handout.

Website: http://www.alteredimagesbdc.org/

When done, please hand in the sheet.

Monday, January 8, 2018

Photo Copyright Cases

Photo Copyright Cases Sheet

Last class, we went over some of the important ethics of photography. Today we will be continuing to discuss this ideaof ethics, focusing on the specific issue of copyright. Copyright is a serious issue in contemporary photography and there have been numerous laws and regulations that have been put into place to try to control or regulate Copyright Infringement.
You have been given an article with 10 different Copyright Cases related to photography. After reading briefly about each case, choose ONE case to learn more about and answer the following questions…

  1. Which case did you choose to further investigate?
  2. When did this case occur?

  3. How long did the case go on?

  4. Please name all the people that were involved in the case and their positions.
  5. What were the direct outcomes of the case? Were new laws introduced? Were there policy changes involved?
  6. Do you agree with the verdict (decision/outcome) of the case? Please explain why!

  7. Why did you choose to look more into this case?

Wednesday, January 3, 2018

Photo Ethics Article Questions

Please answer the following questions on a piece of paper. Here is the full article if you need it.

If unable to finish reading and answering the questions, you must do so for HW (due Friday, 1/5)!


1)     What are the different ethical questions/practices that the author discusses in the article?

2)      The author mentions the artist Richard Prince as taking people’s own Instagram photos and selling them as his own artwork.  How do you feel about his work?

3)      Some say that copying is the highest form of flattery. In the artist Tyler Shield’s case, he borrows ideas from other artists to create his own work. How do you feel about this? Do you think that borrowing ideas the way he does is unethical or reasonable?

4)      Is there one ethic in particular that you find especially important? Why do you feel that is important? Please be SPECIFIC!

5)      Is there one ethic in particular that you do NOT find especially important? Why do you feel that is not important? Please be SPECIFIC!