Friday, September 29, 2017

9/29 Plan for the Class

Today, if you did not last class, finish the photo organizing and make sure it is black and white. Also be sure that you are posting in the CORRECT BLOG! If you are not sure, ask me.

Once you are done uploading a black and white version on your blog, or if you did last class, come up and take a Photographer Research Worksheet. 

Work on this in class and if you do not finish today, finish it for homework and bring it in on Monday. 

Finish the Photographer Research Worksheet. 

Monday, September 25, 2017

Using Photoshop to Organize Photos

By this time, you should have NINE pictures. Today, we will be putting them all together in a Photoshop document. 

1) After opening Photoshop, create a new file. Name the file Your Name Mood Portraits.
Make sure the file is 8.5 x 11 inches, with a resolution anywhere from 250-300 pixels/inches.

2) Once open, go to your Blogger and press "View Blog". You can simply right click to copy the picture and paste into the Photoshop document by clicking Ctrl - V. Each time you paste it in, it will come in as a new layer. Be sure to name the layer the emotion that the picture represents. 

4) As you continue to put your nine images in, you may need to move them around to better fit. Use the move tool to do so. If you need to re-size the photo (it's too big or too small), use Ctrl- T to enable Transform. 

Remember, to prevent distortion, hold down the Shift key while changing the size! 

5) After the pictures have been arranged, now we can turn the images black and white. Go into the Adjustments box and find the black and white setting.

     Click on that and ta dah! You're pictures are now black and white! 

6) After you press save, you will also save it as a .jpeg file. To do so, go to "Save As". You can keep the name the same, but you must change the Format from "Photoshop (.PSD; .PDD)" to "JPEG (.JPG; JPEG; JPE)".

A box will pop up about JPEG Options. Make sure the that under Image Options, the Quality is either High or Maximum. Press Okay

7) Post the .jpeg image to you class blog, titling it Mood Portraits B&W

8) When posted, let me know and take an Exit Ticket from my desk. 

Putting Up 7 Emotion Pictures

So far, everyone should have AT LEAST 7 photos displaying a different emotion or mood. The photos should have the following criteria...
      1) YOU must take the picture! The portrait can be of you, a friend, a family member, etc... but it must be taken by YOU!

     2) Show the face! The picture should be showing an emotion- without a face, the emotion or mood of the subject is difficult to know.

     3) Avoid using Snapchat filters (no flower crowns, no starry eyes, etc.)

     4) Your photos should be CLEAR and not blurry or unfocused.

   Today we will begin to put the images on our blogs.

1) Download the images onto the desktop. Name them the emotion they are portraying to prevent confusion.

2)Open up your blogger account. Your are going to go to make a new post.

3) Name the post Your Name Mood portraits.

4) Post the pictures up on your blog. Be sure to label the emotions that they portray.

5) When done, let me know and I will check that I can view them.

Take 2 more emotion pictures by next class, Wednesday 9/25!

Wednesday, September 13, 2017

Assignment 1: Mood Portraits

Portrait: painting, drawing, photo, or engraving of a person, especially one depicting only the face or head and shoulders

Create a series 9 different moods. The photos all must be the monochromatic (black and white) and thoughtfully placed. Try to shoot against a solid/plain backdrop and have even lighting on their face. YOU MUST BE THE ONE TO TAKE THE PICTURE!
Here is a link 50 famous portrait photographers. How do the subjects show emotion? How might the photographer model them to show a specific mood?

Sunday, September 10, 2017

Setting Up Your Blog

Today we will set up our blogs. If you have a blog from last year, please confirm that you can still access it and email me the link with your name and class period.

Please go to It will redirect you to a Gmail page.

1. Using your School Email address and ID/password log in.

2. Click no to make your blog viewable on Google search.

3. We will be using the basic blogger, NOT Google+.

4. Title: Our titles will be unique to our class. This helps me during grading. It is important that you follow the formula below:

2nd period- Title: P2FirstnameLastname (example: P2LindsayWasserman)

3rd period- Title: P3FirstnameLastname (example: P3LindsayWasserman)

5th period- Title: P5FirstnameLastname (example: P5LindsayWasserman)

6th period- Title: P6FirstnameLastname (example: P6LindsayWasserman)

8th period- Title: P8FirstnameLastname (example: P8LindsayWasserman)

5. Your blog address will be the same as your title. Enter that into the provided box.

6. Hit "Create Blog!"

7. You will be asked to find a domain name for your blog- press No Thanks.

8. On the right of the page,  you will see a link that says "Theme", then select the orange "Customize" box. Click it to begin designing your blog.

10. Select "Background", then click on where it says "Background image".

11. Browse all the available tabs and select a background image that you like best.

12. At the top right hand corner of the window select "Apply to Blog"

13. Now Click "View Blog"

14. Copy the URL link and email it to me at, with the Subject of the email with your class period and full name.

16. Once sent to me, you can complete your profile. On your blog, click on the menu on the left hand side.

17. Click "Visit Profile"

18. On the right hand side, click "Edit Profile".  Edit your profile according to the instructions listed in mine. DO NOT INCLUDE YOUR LOCATION! When you are finished, hit save. You can add a photo either now, or at a later time.
19. The last step is to make your blog private. Click the Blogger button in the left hand corner to go back to the main page.

20. On your left hand side, find and click on "Settings".
22. On the top is a section called Basic. Find the Privacy section and click on "Edit".
 23. Change all settings under Privacy to "NO". Then save.

You're all done! 

Homework: Bring in your Signed Syllabus on Wednesday, 9/13!!

Thursday, September 7, 2017


Welcome to Photography!

The first few classes we will review the syllabus, meet other classmates, get to know our way around the classroom, and use various different forms of technology.

This blog will be the place you can find any updates about class and projects. It is your responsibility to make sure that you can access this website in a timely matter in case you are sick or absent.

You need to keep your syllabus in a safe place. Please return the signed portion! It's part of your grade that you and your parents understand the requirements for this class.

Please come to class prepared! That means that you need to bring something to write with, notebook, and a folder. KEEP ALL YOUR HANDOUTS! Sometimes I require you to use notes or handouts to complete assignments.

See me the next class time for any missed work.

There is ABSOLUTELY NOOOOOO food allowed in here. So many computer keyboards and mice suffered from orange chip dust, breakfast sandwich crumbs and sticky gum reside.

Keep your drinks off the desks. Screw on capped drinks stay in your bag. Drinks with straws go on my desk. No exceptions.

If you cannot follow the food and drink rules you lose your participation grade for that day.

We will be using to upload all your work! This is how I see your work, in real time.

Late= not being done by class time. If you come in the morning to finish a project it will not be late. However, if you stay after school to get work done after class is over, it is late. (example- a project is due tuesday for 5th period. If you stay after school on tuesday to finish it, it will be late)

If you're late to class you need a pass! If my door is shut, you're late. Go get a pass.

This class offers the opportunity to use digital equipment like cameras, lighting and printers. Be careful of all equipment or you will not use them.

Grading Policy is:
10% Participation- Attendance, work ethic, on task
10% Homework- 2x weekly. Hand in or Post depending on assignment by next class.
80% Assessments- Unique to this class majority of our final assessments will be projects.There may be from time to time a quiz, test or essay.

Absence Policy:
No participation grade for that class. Homework and Assessments missed will be an automatic 70, unless you have a doctor's note.
Going on vacation during the school year? See Ms. Moller/Ms. Jufer/Ms. Graham asap.

This class meets every A day. 


Fill out the provided worksheet for today's participation.

Bring back your syllabus signed by both yourself and your parent/guardian by WEDNESDAY, 9/13